Why We Sleep

Are you a night owl or a morning lark? As a night owl myself, I could totally relate to this excerpt from the brilliant book ‘Why we sleep’. One of the key insights is that while an adult’s owlness or larkness is strongly determined by genetics, society is strongly biased towards favoring larkness . Kudos

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How Innovation Works

‘How Innovation Works’ is yet another thought-provoking book by Matt Ridley. Challenging the modern obsession with disruptive innovation and the tendency to unfairly credit an individual for a certain innovation, Ridley argues that innovation is a gradual, incremental, and collective process. What I found particularly enjoyable is he makes his case by telling the fascinating stories

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Ever Seen a Tiny AI Computer Detecting Faces? Welcome to Edge AI.

“The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed yet.” -William Gibson Remember when the internet emerged and we wondered what it would become? While it was hard to predict its first-order effects (eg. social media) and second-order effects (eg. blockchain), we knew its impact would be massive. That’s how I feel about

Ever Seen a Tiny AI Computer Detecting Faces? Welcome to Edge AI. Read More »